WE MUST REMEMBER   As we reach Remembrance Sunday, the Nottinghamshire Mining Museum wishes to remember all those who lost their lives working in the coalmining industry in Nottinghamshire, all those who died as a result of industrial accidents and diseases and all those who lost their lives in their
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Dreaming of a Better Tomorrow – With bravery and courage – Notts miners struggled against starvation and hunger and for trade union rights in 19th century Nottinghamshire

  Throughout the 19th century coal miners and their families, including those in Nottinghamshire, faced hunger in the bad times and poverty and hardship when the economy boomed.  In addition, major mining disasters claimed thousands of lives.  Miners and their families also had to face intimidation and bitter opposition to
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The beginning of Rescue Stations (Part 2)

Before 1906, rescue work was left to volunteers from the colliery at which the disaster occurred, led by mining engineers from neighbouring collieries. A Royal Commission appointed in that year recommended that Central Rescue Stations manned by full time brigades should be provided in every coalfield by the owners, and that each
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