Welcome to The Nottinghamshire Mining Museum
We are the Nottinghamshire Mining Museum. A people’s museum remembering and celebrating the working, social, leisure and family lives of Nottinghamshire coalminers. The experiences and the struggles of the people of the Nottinghamshire coalfield in building, defending and preserving their way of life are central to what we do.
We mined the coal beneath Nottinghamshire that powered our industries and kept our people warm. Sometimes we had to stand up and resist those who tried to close our mines down and destroy our communities.
Our museum is a record of the stories of these struggles together with a celebration of the unique culture of our Nottinghamshire coal mining community.
We are proud of our Nottinghamshire mining heritage and we intend to keep it alive!
Here you will be able to explore our collections and keep up to date with our news and events.
We also have a Facebook page where we welcome your comments on our articles and posts as we believe we create the history of the Nottinghamshire coalfield together.
News & Events
2024 is flying by and our closing date for 2024 has been announced.
We will close at the end of October and re-open March 2025.
We are open 10.00 am to 2.00 pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, until THE END OF OCTOBER.
We are only a small Museum and we cannot carry out the daily tasks of caring for a Museum and its artefacts whilst we are open. We close for the winter months to allow this work to be completed by our dedicated volunteers.
Our 2024 Exhibitions are ‘The Pits’ and ‘Into the Light’.
‘The Pits’ Exhibition will be Shining a Light on the sacrifice of those Sherwood Colliery families who lost a loved one at the mine. We will also highlight the generosity of coalminers and their families and show how this generosity funded hospitals, colleges, parks, sports fields, public baths and much more for the wider community.
Our ‘Into the Light’ Exhibition will feature the Notts Women Against Pit Closures Campaign in 1984-85 and will focus on how women’s lives were transformed through the struggle to save their communities.
We look forward to seeing you SOON!
Donate Now
If you would like to make a donation to the Nottinghamshire Mining Museum, we are always deeply appreciative of all donations, no matter how large or small they may be…
The Nottinghamshire Mining Museum will be engaging in education programmes run for schools covering the history of mining, the effects of the mining industry on communities and also practical workshops. Further details will be posted online soon.