Safety Alerts and HSE Reports
Yesterday we looked at manriding accidents. Today we are drawing your attention to HSE (Health and Safety Executive) recommendations arising from the Silverwood and Bentley fatal accidents and other analysis arising from the more widespread introduction of Underground Locomotive Haulage into coal mines following the 2nd World War.
In 1991 the HSE published its report containing its conclusions and recommendations, following its analysis of deaths and reportable accidents, 1947 to 1967, due to all mechanical haulage activity against the number of locomotives in use.
This is a chart showing Underground Haulage statistics 1947 to 1967.
These statistics seem to show a slight decline in the number of fatal accidents and major injury accidents as the number of locomotives in use grew.
The 1991 HSE Report was the first major review of the use of locomotives as a system of transport underground since in 1986 the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) came into effect and certain incidents involving underground mining locomotives became reportable for the first time. This followed the Silverwood Fatal Accident in 1966 and the Bentley Fatal Accident in 1978. At Silverwood, 10 men died and 1 was serious injured and at Bentley 7 men died and 3 were seriously injured).
Following the reports and analyses arising from the Silverwood and Bentley serious accidents the HSE concluded that:
“Potential for such disasters exist where locomotive systems are designed and operated without adequate margins of safety.”
Moreover, following their analysis of incidents occurring between 1968 and 1987/8, they further concluded that:
“similar circumstances still occur, fortunately without multiple casualties.”
The 1991 Report contains conclusions and recommendations to improve safety and reduce accidents.
You will find further information and the full report here:
Underground locomotive haulage (
HSE also issued three Safety Circulars relating to Manriding Conveyors, they can be found here:
Safety Alert
Manriding conveyor
HSE – MINING: Safety Alert – Manriding Conveyor
Safety Alert
Manriding conveyor 2
HSE – MINING: Safety Alert – Manriding Conveyor 2
Safety Alert
HM Principal District Inspector of Mines
HSE – MINING: Safety Alert – Fatal Nip-Points on Conveyors
i worked at Bilsthorpe when we had the roof cave in killing 3 2 haukage & 1 under manager
Yes Peter what a tragedy, I believe it was caused by skin to skin coal face’s in roof bolting gates. The law was altered after the Bilsthorpe disaster where they had to leave a pillar of 50 metres between each coal face.