The Nationalisation of the Coal Industry was barely a year old before ambitious plans for developing the training of new recruits was unveiled.


Screenshot courtesy of Michael Szepeta You Tube Lound Hall Training Centre remembered


Coal News announced in February 1948 ambitious plans for the establishment 0f juvenile residential training centres.  These centres, planned to be run in cooperation with local education authorities were Coal News advised,

“to provide maintenance, wages in accordance with their ages and a complete thirteen-week training programme.”

Ernest Jones, the NUM President, whilst opening the Lound Hall and Grassmoor Centres in 1957, said the Centres would

“train boys in safety principles” and introduce “the ladder plan 0pening a highway for every lad to enter the higher fields of management and administration.”

Ernest Jones NUM President speaking to A Hague, 15, from Williamthorpe, a trainee at the opening of Lound Hall and Grassmoor Training Centres, Coal News, December 1957 



Trainees at Lound Hall learn the art of packing in a mock gallery, Coal News 1957














The following video is courtesy of Michael Szepeta You Tube Lound Hall Training Centre remembered:

Categories: News.