Look what we’ve found. How many ex miners have seen one of these?
We couldn’t resist sharing this training manual. It comes from the Culture North Lanarkshire museum.
To see it as a slideshow in its full glory click on the link below
It’s an absolute gem of mining history. It describes all the different methods of roof supports, what they are, how they were used and how they should be withdrawn, complete with drawings. It was first published in 1952 and I must admit, it is an artefact that makes me a little green with envy.
I’m sure all the trainee miners found it as fascinating as I do ;).
Worked with these in the 60s on West Victoria at Astley Green. I was one of team ” Drawing off ” on a longwall full cave in face. When they started yielding , and oil spraying out of valve You knew it was time to get off the face
Sharpish and its not easy to run in a Metre high seam
Its marvellous how fast you can move when mother nature puts her foot down Allan.
I will be looking for a mining picture for my book.. if anyone as any I could possibly use, I would be very grateful .. thank you.
What sort of picture are you looking for Andrew?
Hi Eric looking for something like 2 miners carry a stretcher on to cage at pit bottom, have you any thing I could possibly use,?
No Alan I sorry we haven’t
I worked with these ” Dowty” props in the 60s
I was one of a team drawing off a longwall full cave-in face 240 yards long. The west Victoria at Astley green.. They were marvellous supports even though some older miners preferred wooden props because they
” Talk to you ” ie you can hear them cracking when weight is coming on.
With Dowty props you knew it was time to get off the face when oil started spraying from release valve as the props yielded.
Not easy to run on a metre high face.
My name is David Coleman ex miner and mines rescue.
I’m a historical coal mining entertainer, performing my one man show mainly at village halls ect. It’s possible I’m the only one in the country who does this. My book A Nottinghamshire pitmans Story is available from http://www.dayglowbooks
or Amazon. I’ve been to New York , local radio stations,
national and international magazines. and the odd local TV
Well done David our stories need to be told far and wide.
My father in law was a miner, colliery manager and then became a mines inspector in 1942. I have a few photos, but mainly of the establishment, taken in the 40s and 50s. Also details of his father in law who was from the midlands but moved to Kent in 1908 and was involved in mining Dover area. If they are of any use to the archive I can look them out
Jenny every mining artefact is of use to us so please look them out and if possible send them to us.if you could sned them to 1st floor, Byron House, Commercial street, Mansfield Notts NG18 1EE) I will then send you an Object entry form with a stamped address envolope, if you can sign them (there are three copies) keep the white one and send me the pink and blues ones by return.
Thank you so much for adding to our artefacts.