Nottinghamshire NUM Ex & Retired Miners Association Information

Due to the decline in the coal mining industry and the knock on effect of the closure programme has had on many mining communities, simply because of the loss of communication with the local pit or union branch office, a group of men in the Nottinghamshire Area have been working together in an attempt to rectify this problem. The answer that these ex mineworkers have come up with is to form an association of ex and retired mineworkers of the National Union of Mineworkers. The association would be affiliated to the NUM Nottinghamshire Area.

A Committee was formed in the early stages of these gatherings and eventually a constitution was drafted that spelled out the aims and ambi­ tions of the association. The constitution was then offered to a wider au­ dience of mineworkers who would be eligible to become members and it was agreed that the process of forming the association could begin.

A new Committee has been agreed and they con­ sist of President, Secretary, Treasurer and six Committee members. Elections are part of the constitution and these will take place bi­annually. The Committee are confident that the interest already shown by ex-miners will make the association a success. The range of facilities they are hoping to achieve will be of enormous benefit to anyone within the association.

The financial support you contribute will allow the Association to:

1. Carry out the daily upkeep of our office.

2. If you have a problem we are on the end of the phone to help with industrial injury/ diseases claims, pensions and social insurance claims.

3. To campaign on behalf of members to improve benefits.

4. To maintain representation at all levels for Association members.

5. To arrange for social evenings and trips for our members to recreate the camaraderie of the mining communities.

6. We produce our journal four times per year, to keep members up to date with the current situation in the mining industry.

Subscriptions can be paid by:

1. Standing Order £2.17 per month

2. Cheque £26 per year

3. Postal Order £26 per year

4. By Cash £26 per year in person at the Ex and Retired Miners office at 1st Floor, Byron House, Commercial Street, Mansfield Nott’s, NG18 IEE.

Based on the level of success the Committee could begin to look further afield at possible discounts and beneficial advantages to association members that may be on offer in the outside world to such an organisation.

If you finished your mining career (dismissed, redundancy, ill health or retirement) as a member of the National Union of Mineworkers then why not become an Association member.

We enclose a membership form at the back, please fill it out and send it to:

1st Floor
Byron House
Commercial Street

Telephone: 01623 416895

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