Please help efforts by Clipstone Colliery Regeneration Group to save the Grade II listed headstocks.

One idea involves adapting the twin headstocks as a zip-line launch-station and visitor observation platform, offering spectacular views of Sherwood Forest. (Former mineworkers from Clipstone claim that on a clear day the view extends as far as Lincoln Cathedral).

PHOTO Save Clipstone Headstocks PHOTO

Members can help the campaign by signing the government epetition, writing to local politicians and Julia Lockwood at Newark and Sherwood District Council.

They also have a website at and a Facebook page at

Also on their facebook page are some nice photos and a video of 1967 Cleethorpes trip, if anyone can remember it. You might see some old friends.

Please support them in their effort in saving the headstocks and preserving the history of the mining industry for future generations. It is important to restore these magnificent engineering structures to their former glory and celebrate a proud industrial heritage.

You can also sign the HM Government Petition by clicking HERE