BLOG 6 – REHABILITATION pre Nationalisation “The rehabilitation problem in coal-mining is a very big one because the accident rate is so high (five times higher than the average industrial accident rate), the injuries are of a severe type, and there is no really light work to offer disabled men.”
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Dreaming of a better tomorrow – poverty, health and ownership in mining communities
BLOG 5 – DEATH AND TRAUMA “In the nineteenth century, many miners were ‘cured’ by having the problem amputated. The limited skills of some colliery surgeons and more general the inability of orthopaedics to carry out the complex repairs to limbs that came in the post-war period meant that amputation
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Dreaming of a better tomorrow – Poverty, Health and Ownership in coalmining communities
Blog 4 – 20th Century – Health and Welfare “…the public was appalled by the contrast revealed during the sessions of the Sankey Commission between the wretched living conditions of the mining families on the one hand and the exorbitant wartime profits and royalties earned by the owners and landlords
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Dreaming of a Better Tomorrow – With bravery and courage – Notts miners struggled against starvation and hunger and for trade union rights in 19th century Nottinghamshire
Throughout the 19th century coal miners and their families, including those in Nottinghamshire, faced hunger in the bad times and poverty and hardship when the economy boomed. In addition, major mining disasters claimed thousands of lives. Miners and their families also had to face intimidation and bitter opposition to
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